Friday, February 14, 2020

Early Modernism and Art Nouveau - A Comparison Essay

Early Modernism and Art Nouveau - A Comparison - Essay Example The essay "Early Modernism and Art Nouveau - A Comparison" compares two movements of art and architect. Architecture is on such sphere of human activity that though discernibly has utilitarian objectives, also tends to be a pivotal medium of human expression. Architecture is also an art form whose scope and nature is directly susceptible to the times in which it is placed, responding pragmatically and aesthetically to the raw materials in vogue and the primary social and artistic concerns of the generation of which it tends to be a product of. Taking architecture in the context of time, early Modernism and Art Nouveau happen to be two important movements in the sphere of art and architecture. In an academic perspective, it will be immensely enlightening to dissect the essentials of these two art movements in a comparative context. Within the realm of architecture, early Modernism was primarily associated with the simplification of form. It primarily relied for the accrual of ornament al appeal, on the theme and structure of the intended structure. Early Modernism initiated its nascent reverberations during the start of the twentieth century. It was directly influenced by the times of its genesis in the sense that it attempted to respond to the ensuing modernization of society and the accompanying technological developments. It would not be wrong to say that early Modernism tried to reconcile the principles of architecture to the two aforementioned trends. Early modernism borrowed themes from varied architectural styles.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

No need Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

No need - Essay Example Power and trust play a vital role in decreasing as well as increasing the conflict. This leads to the purpose of this research paper, which is to understand the reason why do countries conflict with each other. This will occur by relating the importance of trust (defined as the number of treaties a countries sign with each other) in increasing or decreasing the conflict (violence attacks) between any two parties. To find an explanation to the reason why do countries conflict with each other? Four theories provide a clear answer to the question. The first theory indicates that the reason of conflict is that human motivation is by their self-interest and will harm each other to gain more resources. The second theory defines economical status and power as the main factors for conflict to exist. In addition, the third theory, illustrate that conflict is a fight over morals where they harm each other to reach a higher position. The last theory specifies the answer that countries should no t trust each other and act to preserve their own interest, not others interest. Indeed, the last theory provides the convenient answer to question the more mistrust the fear and security there are, leading to more conflict. To answer the question why do countries conflict? There is a creation of a connection between the number of treaties and the number of armed conflict between two countries or a country and its government. Then focus on 32 countries from a different region in the world that has armed conflict between the years 1975 to 2011. Furthermore, the focus is on the number of peace treaties that country has to sign at this time when there is a conflict. In addition, to know the relationship between the number of peace treaties and the number of armed conflict, there is use of large-n method. Linear regressions between the two variables are the point of attention and expect that the less trust (more peace treaties) between any two party the more conflict. Because if two part ies do not trust each other then they will fear each other and increase their security leading armed conflict to exist. The analysis results show that after measuring the variables, there is no relationship between the number of peace treaties and the number of armed conflict in all level of significance. Thus, the decision is to check if there exist factors that lead the hypothesis to fail by using the multi regression method, where the independent variables are the number of peace treaties, and the number of parties a country involve in conflict. Indeed, the result shows that there is a strong positive relationship between the number of parties and the number of armed conflict. In other words, the more parties that takes place the more conflict. The Process of the Research Paper To understand how is trust related to conflict there is a creation of a model to explain the connection between the Independent variable (trust) and dependent variable (conflict) in Micaville’s hypo thesis, which is the less the trust the more conflicts. If there is less trust between any two parties, then both parties fear each other. For example, if party A do not trust party B then party A fails to predict party B actions and this make party A fear party B. Indeed, with the appearance of fear, party A increases its security and advances its military power in order to protect its resources from party B. This example is similar to the model where both party A and party B do not trust each